Xavier Roche (roche at httrack.com)\r\nRobert Lagadec (rlagadec at yahoo.fr) \r\n
Cancel changes
Cancel changes
Click to confirm
Click to confirm
Click to get help!
Click to get help!
Click to return to previous screen
Click to return to previous screen
Click to go to next screen
Click to go to next screen
Hide password
Hide password
Save project
Save project
Close current project?
Close current project?
Delete this project?
Delete this project?
Delete empty project %s?
Delete empty project %s?
Action not yet implemented
Action not yet implemented
Error deleting this project
Error deleting this project
Select a rule for the filter
Select a rule for the filter
Enter keywords for the filter
Enter keywords for the filter
Add this rule
Add this rule
Please enter one or several keyword(s) for the rule
Please enter one or several keyword(s) for the rule
Add Scan Rule
Add Scan Rule
Scan Rules
Scan Rules
Use wildcards to exclude or include URLs or links.\nYou can put several scan strings on the same line.\nUse spaces as separators.\n\nExample: +*.zip -www.*.com -www.*.edu/cgi-bin/*.cgi
Use wildcards to exclude or include URLs or links.\nYou can put several scan strings on the same line.\nUse spaces as separators.\n\nExample: +*.zip -www.*.com -www.*.edu/cgi-bin/*.cgi
Exclude links
Exclude links
Include link(s)
Include link(s)
Tip: To have ALL GIF files included, use something like +www.someweb.com/*.gif. \n(+*.gif / -*.gif will include/exclude ALL GIFs from ALL sites)
Tip: To have ALL GIF files included, use something like +www.someweb.com/*.gif. \n(+*.gif / -*.gif will include/exclude ALL GIFs from ALL sites)
Save prefs
Save prefs
Matching links will be excluded:
Matching links will be excluded:
Matching links will be included:
Matching links will be included:
gif\r\nWill match all GIF files
gif\r\nWill match all GIF files
blue\r\nWill find all files with a matching 'blue' sub-string such as 'bluesky-small.jpeg'
blue\r\nWill find all files with a matching 'blue' sub-string such as 'bluesky-small.jpeg'
bigfile.mov\r\nWill match the file 'bigfile.mov', but not 'bigfile2.mov'
bigfile.mov\r\nWill match the file 'bigfile.mov', but not 'bigfile2.mov'
cgi\r\nWill find links with folder name matching sub-string 'cgi' such as /cgi-bin/somecgi.cgi
cgi\r\nWill find links with folder name matching sub-string 'cgi' such as /cgi-bin/somecgi.cgi
cgi-bin\r\nWill find links with folder name matching whole 'cgi-bin' string (but not cgi-bin-2, for example)
cgi-bin\r\nWill find links with folder name matching whole 'cgi-bin' string (but not cgi-bin-2, for example)
someweb.com\r\nWill find links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com, private.someweb.com etc.
someweb.com\r\nWill find links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com, private.someweb.com etc.
someweb\r\nWill find links with matching folder sub-string such as www.someweb.com, www.someweb.edu, private.someweb.otherweb.com etc.
someweb\r\nWill find links with matching folder sub-string such as www.someweb.com, www.someweb.edu, private.someweb.otherweb.com etc.
www.someweb.com\r\nWill find links matching whole 'www.someweb.com' sub-string (but not links such as private.someweb.com/..)
www.someweb.com\r\nWill find links matching whole 'www.someweb.com' sub-string (but not links such as private.someweb.com/..)
someweb\r\nWill find any links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com/.., www.test.abc/fromsomeweb/index.html, www.test.abc/test/someweb.html etc.
someweb\r\nWill find any links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com/.., www.test.abc/fromsomeweb/index.html, www.test.abc/test/someweb.html etc.
www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\nWill only find the 'www.test.com/test/someweb.html' file. Note that you have to type the complete path (URL + site path)
www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\nWill only find the 'www.test.com/test/someweb.html' file. Note that you have to type the complete path (URL + site path)
All links will match
All links will match
Add exclusion filter
Add exclusion filter
Add inclusion filter
Add inclusion filter
Existing filters
Existing filters
Cancel changes
Cancel changes
Save current preferences as default values
Save current preferences as default values
Click to confirm
Click to confirm
No log files in %s!
No log files in %s!
No 'index.html' file in %s!
No 'index.html' file in %s!
Click to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier
Click to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier
View log files
View log files
Browse HTML start page
Browse HTML start page
End of mirror
End of mirror
View log files
View log files
Browse Mirrored Website
Browse Mirrored Website
New project...
New project...
View error and warning reports
View error and warning reports
View report
View report
Close the log file window
Close the log file window
Info type:
Info type:
Find a word
Find a word
Info log file
Info log file
Warning/Errors log file
Warning/Errors log file
Unable to initialize the OLE system
Unable to initialize the OLE system
WinHTTrack could not find any interrupted download file cache in the specified folder!
WinHTTrack could not find any interrupted download file cache in the specified folder!
Could not connect to provider
Could not connect to provider
Receiving files..
Receiving files..
Parsing HTML file..
Parsing HTML file..
Purging files..
Purging files..
Parsing HTML file (testing links)..
Parsing HTML file (testing links)..
Pause - Toggle [Mirror]/[Pause download] to resume operation
Pause - Toggle [Mirror]/[Pause download] to resume operation
Finishing pending transfers - Select [Cancel] to stop now!
Finishing pending transfers - Select [Cancel] to stop now!
Waiting for scheduled time..
Waiting for scheduled time..
Connecting to provider
Connecting to provider
[%d seconds] to go before start of operation
[%d seconds] to go before start of operation
Site mirroring in progress [%s, %d bytes]
Site mirroring in progress [%s, %d bytes]
Site mirroring finished!
Site mirroring finished!
A problem occured during the mirroring operation\n
A problem occured during the mirroring operation\n
\nSee the log file if necessary.\n\nClick FINISH to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack!
\nSee the log file if necessary.\n\nClick FINISH to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack!
Mirroring operation complete.\nClick Exit to quit WinHTTrack.\nSee log file(s) if necessary to ensure that everything is OK.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack!
Mirroring operation complete.\nClick Exit to quit WinHTTrack.\nSee log file(s) if necessary to ensure that everything is OK.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack!
* * MIRROR ABORTED! * *\r\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session.\r\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\r\n[Note: This can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]\r\n\r\nDo you think the former cache might contain more complete information, and do you want to restore it?
* * MIRROR ABORTED! * *\r\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session.\r\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\r\n[Note: This can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]\r\n\r\nDo you think the former cache might contain more complete information, and do you want to restore it?
* * MIRROR ERROR! * *\r\nHTTrack has detected that the current mirror is empty. If it was an update, the previous mirror has been restored.\r\nReason: the first page(s) either could not be found, or a connection problem occured.\r\n=> Ensure that the website still exists, and/or check your proxy settings! <=
* * MIRROR ERROR! * *\r\nHTTrack has detected that the current mirror is empty. If it was an update, the previous mirror has been restored.\r\nReason: the first page(s) either could not be found, or a connection problem occured.\r\n=> Ensure that the website still exists, and/or check your proxy settings! <=
\n\nTip: Click [View log file] to see warning or error messages
\n\nTip: Click [View log file] to see warning or error messages
Error deleting a hts-cache/new.* file, please do it manually
Error deleting a hts-cache/new.* file, please do it manually
Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier?
Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier?
- Mirroring Mode -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box
- Mirroring Mode -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box
- Interactive Wizard Mode (questions) -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box
- Interactive Wizard Mode (questions) -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box
- File Download Mode -\n\nEnter file address(es) in URL box
- File Download Mode -\n\nEnter file address(es) in URL box
- Link Testing Mode -\n\nEnter Web address(es) with links to test in URL box
- Link Testing Mode -\n\nEnter Web address(es) with links to test in URL box
- Update Mode -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button
- Update Mode -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button
- Resume Mode (Interrupted Operation) -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button
- Resume Mode (Interrupted Operation) -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button
Log files Path
Log files Path
- Links List Mode -\n\nUse URL box to enter address(es) of page(s) containing links to mirror
- Links List Mode -\n\nUse URL box to enter address(es) of page(s) containing links to mirror
New project / Import?
New project / Import?
Choose criterion
Choose criterion
Maximum link scanning depth
Maximum link scanning depth
Enter address(es) here
Enter address(es) here
Define additional filtering rules
Define additional filtering rules
Proxy Name (if needed)
Proxy Name (if needed)
Proxy Port
Proxy Port
Define proxy settings
Define proxy settings
Use standard HTTP proxy as FTP proxy
Use standard HTTP proxy as FTP proxy
Select Path
Select Path
Select Path
Select Path
Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier
Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier
About WinHTTrack
About WinHTTrack
Save current preferences as default values
Save current preferences as default values
Click to continue
Click to continue
Click to define options
Click to define options
Click to add a URL
Click to add a URL
Load URL(s) from text file
Load URL(s) from text file
WinHTTrack preferences (*.opt)|*.opt||
WinHTTrack preferences (*.opt)|*.opt||
Address List text file (*.txt)|*.txt||
Address List text file (*.txt)|*.txt||
File not found!
File not found!
Do you really want to change the project name/path?
Do you really want to change the project name/path?
Load user-default options?
Load user-default options?
Save user-default options?
Save user-default options?
Reset all default options?
Reset all default options?
Welcome to WinHTTrack!
Welcome to WinHTTrack!
Max Depth
Max Depth
Maximum external depth:
Maximum external depth:
Filters (refuse/accept links) :
Filters (refuse/accept links) :
Save prefs
Save prefs
Set options..
Set options..
Preferences and mirror options:
Preferences and mirror options:
Project name
Project name
Add a URL...
Add a URL...
Web Addresses: (URL)
Web Addresses: (URL)
Stop WinHTTrack?
Stop WinHTTrack?
No log files in %s!
No log files in %s!
Pause Download?
Pause Download?
Stop the mirroring operation
Stop the mirroring operation
Minimize to System Tray
Minimize to System Tray
Click to skip a link or stop parsing
Click to skip a link or stop parsing
Click to skip a link
Click to skip a link
Bytes saved
Bytes saved
Links scanned
Links scanned
Transfer rate
Transfer rate
Files written:
Files written:
Files updated:
Files updated:
In progress:
In progress:
Follow external links
Follow external links
Test all links in pages
Test all links in pages
Try to ferret out all links
Try to ferret out all links
Download HTML files first (faster)
Download HTML files first (faster)
Choose local site structure
Choose local site structure
Set user-defined structure on disk
Set user-defined structure on disk
Use a cache for updates and retries
Use a cache for updates and retries
Do not update zero size or user-erased files
Do not update zero size or user-erased files
Create a Start Page
Create a Start Page
Create a word database of all html pages
Create a word database of all html pages
Create error logging and report files
Create error logging and report files
Generate DOS 8-3 filenames ONLY
Generate DOS 8-3 filenames ONLY
Generate ISO9660 filenames ONLY for CDROM medias
Generate ISO9660 filenames ONLY for CDROM medias
Do not create HTML error pages
Do not create HTML error pages
Select file types to be saved to disk
Select file types to be saved to disk
Select parsing direction
Select parsing direction
Select global parsing direction
Select global parsing direction
Setup URL rewriting rules for internal links (downloaded ones) and external links (not downloaded ones)
Setup URL rewriting rules for internal links (downloaded ones) and external links (not downloaded ones)
Max simultaneous connections
Max simultaneous connections
File timeout
File timeout
Cancel all links from host if timeout occurs
Cancel all links from host if timeout occurs
Minimum admissible transfer rate
Minimum admissible transfer rate
Cancel all links from host if too slow
Cancel all links from host if too slow
Maximum number of retries on non-fatal errors
Maximum number of retries on non-fatal errors
Maximum size for any single HTML file
Maximum size for any single HTML file
Maximum size for any single non-HTML file
Maximum size for any single non-HTML file
Maximum amount of bytes to retrieve from the Web
Maximum amount of bytes to retrieve from the Web
Make a pause after downloading this amount of bytes
Make a pause after downloading this amount of bytes
Maximum duration time for the mirroring operation
Maximum duration time for the mirroring operation
Maximum transfer rate
Maximum transfer rate
Maximum connections/seconds (avoid server overload)
Maximum connections/seconds (avoid server overload)
Maximum number of links that can be tested (not saved!)
Maximum number of links that can be tested (not saved!)
Browser identity
Browser identity
Comment to be placed in each HTML file
Comment to be placed in each HTML file
Back to starting page
Back to starting page
Save current preferences as default values
Save current preferences as default values
Click to continue
Click to continue
Click to cancel changes
Click to cancel changes
Follow local robots rules on sites
Follow local robots rules on sites
Links to non-localised external pages will produce error pages
Links to non-localised external pages will produce error pages
Do not erase obsolete files after update
Do not erase obsolete files after update
Accept cookies?
Accept cookies?
Check document type when unknown?
Check document type when unknown?
Parse java applets to retrieve included files that must be downloaded?
Parse java applets to retrieve included files that must be downloaded?
Store all files in cache instead of HTML only
Store all files in cache instead of HTML only
Log file type (if generated)
Log file type (if generated)
Maximum mirroring depth from root address
Maximum mirroring depth from root address
Maximum mirroring depth for external/forbidden addresses (0, that is, none, is the default)
Maximum mirroring depth for external/forbidden addresses (0, that is, none, is the default)
Create a debugging file
Create a debugging file
Use non-standard requests to get round some server bugs
Use non-standard requests to get round some server bugs
Use old HTTP/1.0 requests (limits engine power!)
Use old HTTP/1.0 requests (limits engine power!)
Attempt to limit retransfers through several tricks (file size test..)
Attempt to limit retransfers through several tricks (file size test..)
Write external links without login/password
Write external links without login/password
Write internal links without query string
Write internal links without query string
Get non-HTML files related to a link, eg external .ZIP or pictures
Get non-HTML files related to a link, eg external .ZIP or pictures
Test all links (even forbidden ones)
Test all links (even forbidden ones)
Try to catch all URLs (even in unknown tags/code)
Try to catch all URLs (even in unknown tags/code)
Get HTML files first!
Get HTML files first!
Structure type (how links are saved)
Structure type (how links are saved)
Use a cache for updates
Use a cache for updates
Do not re-download locally erased files
Do not re-download locally erased files
Make an index
Make an index
Make a word database
Make a word database
Log files
Log files
DOS names (8+3)
DOS names (8+3)
ISO9660 names (CDROM)
ISO9660 names (CDROM)
No error pages
No error pages
Primary Scan Rule
Primary Scan Rule
Travel mode
Travel mode
Global travel mode
Global travel mode
These options should be modified only exceptionally
These options should be modified only exceptionally
Activate Debugging Mode (winhttrack.log)
Activate Debugging Mode (winhttrack.log)
Rewrite links: internal / external
Rewrite links: internal / external
Flow control
Flow control
HTML footer
HTML footer
N# connections
N# connections
Abandon host if error
Abandon host if error
Minimum transfer rate (B/s)
Minimum transfer rate (B/s)
Abandon host if too slow
Abandon host if too slow
Use proxy for ftp transfers
Use proxy for ftp transfers
Size limit
Size limit
Max size of any HTML file (B)
Max size of any HTML file (B)
Max size of any non-HTML file
Max size of any non-HTML file
Max site size
Max site size
Max time
Max time
Save prefs
Save prefs
Max transfer rate
Max transfer rate
Follow robots.txt
Follow robots.txt
No external pages
No external pages
Do not purge old files
Do not purge old files
Accept cookies
Accept cookies
Check document type
Check document type
Parse java files
Parse java files
Store ALL files in cache
Store ALL files in cache
Tolerant requests (for servers)
Tolerant requests (for servers)
Update hack (limit re-transfers)
Update hack (limit re-transfers)
Force old HTTP/1.0 requests (no 1.1)
Force old HTTP/1.0 requests (no 1.1)
Max connections / seconds
Max connections / seconds
Maximum number of links
Maximum number of links
Pause after downloading..
Pause after downloading..
Hide passwords
Hide passwords
Hide query strings
Hide query strings
Experts Only
Experts Only
Flow Control
Flow Control
Browser ID
Browser ID
Scan Rules
Scan Rules
Log, Index, Cache
Log, Index, Cache
Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier?
Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier?
Do not connect to a provider (already connected)
Do not connect to a provider (already connected)
Do not use remote access connection
Do not use remote access connection
Schedule the mirroring operation
Schedule the mirroring operation
Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier
Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier
Back to starting page
Back to starting page
Click to start!
Click to start!
No saved password for this connection!
No saved password for this connection!
Can not get remote connection settings
Can not get remote connection settings
Select a connection provider
Select a connection provider
Please adjust connection parameters if necessary,\nthen press FINISH to launch the mirroring operation.
Please adjust connection parameters if necessary,\nthen press FINISH to launch the mirroring operation.
Save settings only, do not launch download now.
Save settings only, do not launch download now.
On hold
On hold
Transfer scheduled for: (hh/mm/ss)
Transfer scheduled for: (hh/mm/ss)
Connect to provider (RAS)
Connect to provider (RAS)
Connect to this provider
Connect to this provider
Disconnect when finished
Disconnect when finished
Disconnect modem on completion
Disconnect modem on completion
\r\n(Please notify us of any bug or problem)\r\n\r\nDevelopment:\r\nInterface (Windows): Xavier Roche\r\nSpider: Xavier Roche\r\nJavaParserClasses: Yann Philippot\r\n\r\n(C)1998-2002 Xavier Roche and other contributors\r\nMANY THANKS for translation tips to:\r\nRobert Lagadec (rlagadec@yahoo.fr)
\r\n(Please notify us of any bug or problem)\r\n\r\nDevelopment:\r\nInterface (Windows): Xavier Roche\r\nSpider: Xavier Roche\r\nJavaParserClasses: Yann Philippot\r\n\r\n(C)1998-2002 Xavier Roche and other contributors\r\nMANY THANKS for translation tips to:\r\nRobert Lagadec (rlagadec@yahoo.fr)
About WinHTTrack Website Copier
About WinHTTrack Website Copier
Please visit our Web page
Please visit our Web page
Wizard query
Wizard query
Your answer:
Your answer:
Link detected..
Link detected..
Choose a rule
Choose a rule
Ignore this link
Ignore this link
Ignore directory
Ignore directory
Ignore domain
Ignore domain
Catch this page only
Catch this page only
Mirror site
Mirror site
Mirror domain
Mirror domain
Ignore all
Ignore all
Wizard query
Wizard query
Pause transfer
Pause transfer
Modify options
Modify options
View log
View log
View error log
View error log
View file transfers
View file transfers
About WinHTTrack Website Copier
About WinHTTrack Website Copier
Check program updates...
Check program updates...
&Status Bar
&Status Bar
Load default options
Load default options
Save default options
Save default options
Reset to default options
Reset to default options
Load options...
Load options...
Save options as...
Save options as...
Language preference...
Language preference...
About WinHTTrack...
About WinHTTrack...
New project\tCtrl+N
New project\tCtrl+N
Save &As...
Save &As...
&Browse sites...
&Browse sites...
User-defined structure
User-defined structure
%n\tName of file without file type (ex: image)\r\n%N\tName of file including file type (ex: image.gif)\r\n%t\tFile type only (ex: gif)\r\n%p\tPath [without ending /] (ex: /someimages)\r\n%h\tHost name (ex: www.someweb.com)\r\n%M\tMD5 URL (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%Q\tMD5 query string (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%q\tMD5 small query string (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)\r\n\r\n%s?\tShort name (ex: %sN)
%n\tName of file without file type (ex: image)\r\n%N\tName of file including file type (ex: image.gif)\r\n%t\tFile type only (ex: gif)\r\n%p\tPath [without ending /] (ex: /someimages)\r\n%h\tHost name (ex: www.someweb.com)\r\n%M\tMD5 URL (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%Q\tMD5 query string (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%q\tMD5 small query string (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)\r\n\r\n%s?\tShort name (ex: %sN)
Type a new project name, \r\nor select existing project to update/resume
Type a new project name, \r\nor select existing project to update/resume
New project
New project
Insert URL
Insert URL
Authentication (only if needed)
Authentication (only if needed)
Forms or complex links:
Forms or complex links:
Capture URL...
Capture URL...
Enter URL address(es) here
Enter URL address(es) here
Enter site login
Enter site login
Enter site password
Enter site password
Use this capture tool for links that can only be accessed through forms or javascript code
Use this capture tool for links that can only be accessed through forms or javascript code
Choose language according to preference
Choose language according to preference
Catch URL!
Catch URL!
Please set temporary browser proxy settings to the following values (Copy/Paste Proxy Address and Port).\nThen click on the Form SUBMIT button in your browser page, or click on the specific link you want to capture.
Please set temporary browser proxy settings to the following values (Copy/Paste Proxy Address and Port).\nThen click on the Form SUBMIT button in your browser page, or click on the specific link you want to capture.
This will send the desired link from your browser to WinHTTrack.
This will send the desired link from your browser to WinHTTrack.
Copy/Paste the temporary proxy parameters here
Copy/Paste the temporary proxy parameters here
Unable to find Help files!
Unable to find Help files!
Unable to save parameters!
Unable to save parameters!
Please drag only one folder at a time
Please drag only one folder at a time
Please drag only folders, not files
Please drag only folders, not files
Please drag folders only
Please drag folders only
Select user-defined structure?
Select user-defined structure?
Please ensure that the user-defined-string is correct,\notherwise filenames will be bogus!
Please ensure that the user-defined-string is correct,\notherwise filenames will be bogus!
Do you really want to use a user-defined structure?
Do you really want to use a user-defined structure?
Too manu URLs, cannot handle so many links!!
Too manu URLs, cannot handle so many links!!
Not enough memory, fatal internal error..
Not enough memory, fatal internal error..
Unknown operation!
Unknown operation!
Add this URL?\r\n
Add this URL?\r\n
Warning: main process is still not responding, cannot add URL(s)..
Warning: main process is still not responding, cannot add URL(s)..
Type/MIME associations
Type/MIME associations
File types:
File types:
MIME identity:
MIME identity:
Select or modify your file type(s) here
Select or modify your file type(s) here
Select or modify your MIME type(s) here
Select or modify your MIME type(s) here
Go up
Go up
Go down
Go down
File download information
File download information
Freeze Window
Freeze Window
More information:
More information:
Welcome to WinHTTrack Website Copier!\n\nPlease click on the NEXT button to\n\n- start a new project\n- or resume a partial download
Welcome to WinHTTrack Website Copier!\n\nPlease click on the NEXT button to\n\n- start a new project\n- or resume a partial download
File names with extension:\nFile names containing:\nThis file name:\nFolder names containing:\nThis folder name:\nLinks on this domain:\nLinks on domains containing:\nLinks from this host:\nLinks containing:\nThis link:\nALL LINKS
File names with extension:\nFile names containing:\nThis file name:\nFolder names containing:\nThis folder name:\nLinks on this domain:\nLinks on domains containing:\nLinks from this host:\nLinks containing:\nThis link:\nALL LINKS
Show all\nHide debug\nHide infos\nHide debug and infos
Show all\nHide debug\nHide infos\nHide debug and infos
Site-structure (default)\nHtml in web/, images/other files in web/images/\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/images\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/xxx, where xxx is the file extension\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/xxx\nSite-structure, without www.domain.xxx/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other files in site_name/images/\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/images\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/xxx\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/xxx\nAll files in web/, with random names (gadget !)\nAll files in site_name/, with random names (gadget !)\nUser-defined structure..
Site-structure (default)\nHtml in web/, images/other files in web/images/\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/images\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/xxx, where xxx is the file extension\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/xxx\nSite-structure, without www.domain.xxx/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other files in site_name/images/\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/images\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/xxx\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/xxx\nAll files in web/, with random names (gadget !)\nAll files in site_name/, with random names (gadget !)\nUser-defined structure..
Just scan\nStore html files\nStore non html files\nStore all files (default)\nStore html files first
Just scan\nStore html files\nStore non html files\nStore all files (default)\nStore html files first
Stay in the same directory\nCan go down (default)\nCan go up\nCan both go up & down
Stay in the same directory\nCan go down (default)\nCan go up\nCan both go up & down
Stay on the same address (default)\nStay on the same domain\nStay on the same top level domain\nGo everywhere on the web
Stay on the same address (default)\nStay on the same domain\nStay on the same top level domain\nGo everywhere on the web
Never\nIf unknown (except /)\nIf unknown
Never\nIf unknown (except /)\nIf unknown
no robots.txt rules\nrobots.txt except wizard\nfollow robots.txt rules
no robots.txt rules\nrobots.txt except wizard\nfollow robots.txt rules
Download web site(s)\nDownload web site(s) + questions\nGet individual files\nDownload all sites in pages (multiple mirror)\nTest links in pages (bookmark test)\n* Continue interrupted download\n* Update existing download
Download web site(s)\nDownload web site(s) + questions\nGet individual files\nDownload all sites in pages (multiple mirror)\nTest links in pages (bookmark test)\n* Continue interrupted download\n* Update existing download
Relative URI / Absolute URL (default)\nAbsolute URL / Absolute URL\nAbsolute URI / Absolute URL\nOriginal URL / Original URL
Relative URI / Absolute URL (default)\nAbsolute URL / Absolute URL\nAbsolute URI / Absolute URL\nOriginal URL / Original URL